100+ Book's Collection Available
NSDM-India Provide Well Educate Teacher's (ONLINE + OFFLINE Classes)
NSDM-India Provide 40+Certificate's
हमारा उद्देश्य गरीव और प्रतिभाशाली बच्चों को पढ़ाना और उन्हें आगे बढ़ाना....
हमने, हमारी मार्केटिंग टीम के द्वारा संपूर्ण भारत में Door to Door जाकर बच्चों को शिक्षा के प्रति जागरूक करके, उनको वहीँ पर शिक्षित किया एवं रोजगार में सहयोग प्रदान किया|
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The vision of the National Skill Development Mission-INDIA (NSDMI) in India focuses on empowering individuals with relevant skills to enhance employability, promote sustainable economic growth, and bridge the skill gap in the country. In education, it aims to provide accessible, high-quality training that meets industry demands. In advertising, it seeks to raise awareness and promote skill development opportunities through effective communication, helping individuals and industries realize the value of skill enhancement for national progress.
Course Code : S-NSDM-001
Name-Rahul/Pream singh D.O.B- 12/03/2004 Employee ID-NSDM005 Pincode-283204
Name-Sonbir/Ravendra Singh D.O.B- 01/01/2005 Employee ID-NSDM004 Pincode-283204
Name-Suneel Kumar/Hodil Singh D.O.B- 27/09/2003 Employee ID-NSDM003 Pincode-283204
Name-Rohit Yadav/Yogesh Kumar D.O.B- 01/06/2005 Employee ID-NSDM002 Pincode-283201
Name-Harikesh/Rajveer singh D.O.B- 01/09/2004 Employee ID-NSDM001 Pincode-283204